Franciskan trotsar biskop


konflikten mellan å ena sidan Rom och de amerikanska biskoparna och å andra sidan majoriteten av de amerikanska ordenssystrarna har fått ett nytt inslag.

En känd franciskan och författare, Michael H. Crosby, trotsar en av de biskopar som skall återföra systrarna till av Rom önskad ordning, och han gör det med intressanta argument:

Några citat:

”I find it illogical, inconsistent and ill-conceived to argue that because Jesus didn’t choose women to be his apostles that anyone can thus conclude that, in that given milieu, he intended this in a way to exclude them from full leadership in the future. Also, to argue that such a ”non-choice” represents not only the will of the Jesus of history but of the Christ of our faith in whom there is neither male nor female appears to me even less convincing. Finally, somehow to make a conclusion that this is the actual will of our God (in whom there is no exclusiveness) is beyond my comprehension.”

”I simply cannot believe in a god who discriminates against women. To do so would be sinful because this would reflect violence against women as equal members of the Body of Christ. Furthermore, I have come to be theologically convinced that the worship of any such god who wills that women not be ordained either reflects clearly debatable teaching or sinful ideological idolatry. The role of prophecy in our church (the special charism of those of us in religious life) is, above all, to try to keep the people, and especially the priests, from promoting the worship of false gods.”

Gert Gelotte

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1 svar på Franciskan trotsar biskop

  1. agneta sofiadotter skriver:

    Den sista meningen är bara för bra… ”att hindra folk (här katoliker) o framförallt prelater att att bli reklampelare (mitt ord) för dyrkan av falska gudar”.

    Jo, hur var det nu med första budordet… faller inte Vatikanen redan där… sedan en lång tid tillbaka? Med vilken rätt är man då kristendom?


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