Akademisk frihet eller katolsk dogmatism

6 maj skrev jag bloggen

Påven, USA biskopar och akademisk frihet och läromässig dogmatism

”I samband med pågående ad-limina besök av USA biskopar i Vatikanen uppmanar påven USA biskopar att säkerställa att katolska universitet i USA är kyrktrogna. På sådana högskolor får endast personer undervisa som har kyrklig behörighet  i teologi. Denna kyrkliga riktlinje måste förstärkas.”

”Uppenbara skillnader mellan representanter för katolska institutioner och kyrkoledningen förorsakar förvirring hos troende och försvagar kyrkans vittnesbörd.  Erfarenheten visar att  sådana händelser utnyttjas för att kompromettera kyrkans auktoritet och frihet.”

Frågan om akademisk frihet och läromässig dogmatism  har efter president Obamas stöd för samkönade äktenskap  9 maj ytterligare ställts  på sin spets.

Kardinal Dolan ordförande i USA biskopskonferens uttalar sig mot Obama.

Och i samband med detta går Daniel Maguire och ytterligare 2 katolska universitetsteologer mot Dolan och biskopskonferensen.

Dolan har haft ett ont öga mot Maguire i många år.

2006 skriver Timothy Dolan  ett rundbrev till alla präster i Milwaukee stift  där han uppmanar att ingen ska bjuda in Maguire som talare.

”May I speak to you about a couple delicate issues? The first would be guidelines about hosting a speaker or a group in the parish or under Church auspices. Some bishops, as you know, have drawn up very detailed rules about this. I have not gone that route, and hope I do not have to. Canon Law, diocesan policy already in place, common sense, and love that all of us have for the Church, should guide us. I have trust in your prudential judgment, and in your ecclesial wisdom that you would never invite or host a speaker or a group that has publicly taken stands blatantly at odds with clear Church teaching.”

“We need dialogue, we are not afraid of respectful probing and earnest examination of Church teaching; but there has to be a limit. One speaker whom I would ask you not to have is Dr. Daniel McGuire [sic]. He should never be given an invitation or provided a platform at any parish in the archdiocese.”


Dolan har alltså gjort vad han kunnat för att frysa ut Maguire men Maguire har haft stöd i sin dåvarande rektor för Marquette universitetet Robert A. Wild, S.J. som – utifrån universitetets akademiska frihet – försvarar Maguire  då klagomål inkommer

Rektorn skriver 2006

“At the time he was hired by Marquette University (c. 1971), he was a nationally renowned ethicist, having taught at the Catholic University of America for several years. He had left the priesthood but had done so in the proper manner, having petitioned for and received formal laicization. At the time of his appointment, he had published no positions contrary to formal Catholic teaching, and the same situation was the case when he was granted tenure shortly afterwards.”

“For many, many years Marquette University has granted its faculty, as a part of the formal contractual relationship, academic freedom as generally understood in American higher education. This means, among other things, that the university ceded the right to discipline or terminate tenured faculty on the basis of the content of their teaching or publishing. Such academic freedom is a necessary prerequisite for any serious academic institution, and there is no Catholic university of standing that does otherwise. Indeed, this tradition in university life goes back to the 13th century, a time when in Europe the only universities that existed were Roman Catholic. Accordingly, faculty are not only allowed, but are expected and encouraged to follow the evidence of their own minds in research, teaching, and publishing, subject only to the criticism of their peers.”

“After he had acquired tenure at Marquette, Dr. Maguire, in pursuit of his academic discipline, arrived at, published, and enunciated positions regarding certain matters that are not totally consonant with formal Church teaching. Since he is tenured and since he, in other respects, performs well as a scholar and teacher, the university has no legitimate grounds for his removal.”


Från augusti 2011 har Marquette  ny rektor Scott R Pilarz SJ……….

// Irène

PS Saligförklarade  John Henry Newman lär ha sagt ”universitet har sitt namn av att söka universella sanningar.”

Påven kräver att teologer på katolska universitet har kyrklig behörighet  i teologi.   Daniel Maguire – som doktorerat på påvliga Gregoriana – uppfyller påvens definition på  katolsk yrkesteolog.

Fd rektorn för Marquette universitetet försvarar den akademiska friheten med följande

”Such academic freedom is a necessary prerequisite for any serious academic institution, and there is no Catholic university of standing that does otherwise. Indeed, this tradition in university life goes back to the 13th century, a time when in Europe the only universities that existed were Roman Catholic. Accordingly, faculty are not only allowed, but are expected and encouraged to follow the evidence of their own minds in research, teaching, and publishing, subject only to the criticism of their peers.”

Mot fd rektorns uppfattning står påvens patologiska kontrollbehov som medför att  katolska universitetslärare vingklipps i sökandet efter ”universella sanningar” men genom att upphöja  Dolan och andra villiga biskopar till kardinaler så hålls påvedömets despotism igång.

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