Som en ropandes röst i öknen – Öppet brev till påven i Mexico

I samband med påvens besök i Mexico  har ett öppet brev där publicerats i tidningarna Reforma och La Jornada 21 mars som i översättning cirkulerar inom IMWAC  (International Movement We are church)

// Irène

PS ”Una Fiesta Grande ”

En fest i fastans tid och tecken



Welcome to Mexico, dear brother in Christ, pastor of the Roman Catholic

At this time our community is living through Lent, time of metanoia, internal change, attitude change, the change that God demands of us is
always a demand for justice, change of inequitable conduct to fair. The prophets tell us that we, men and women, can change history, we can
determine the future through our actions.
A deeply violated people, lacerated in their dignity, welcome you, a people believing and hoping for the resurrection, living their terrible days of
passion. Today, dear brother, this people suffer the systematic violation of human rights, and suffer pain in the face of the indifference of those
who control the course of justice. Jesus’ message needs to be revealed among us constantly with the signs of the times (Gaudium et Spes 4). A
strong sign of the times in our country is the need for justice and respect for human rights.

We see your presence in Mexico as an opportunity to look to a new future in God (Isaiah 43.18-19), standing alongside those who suffer. We do not see
this in the attitude of our hierarchy, who, while preaching with fervor and zeal for human rights to others, to outsiders, leave much to be desired
internally. And we are not facing separate incidents, but rather a structural evolution demonstrated, among other things, by the silence and
the covering up of allegations of clerical child abuse in Mexico, solidly documented by church and civil authorities.

Contrary to Jesus’ teaching which recognized the equal dignity and moral authority of women, this structural evolution is travelling in the opposite
direction, denying women the right to freedom of conscience and the ministry of priestly service. We suffer and are deeply hurt by the
attitudes and words of many of our Mexican bishops, who pay no attention to, value or respect the human rights of women, as indicated in the
statement of the fifth General conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean held in Aparecida, Brazil (2007), where your voice was
heard. We invite you to review the guidelines of the Holy See in regard to those nations who, contrary to what was said in Aparecida, hinder the
advance of human rights of women.

Truly, we pray and work for a better Church and we share our hopes and dreams: We want a Church that recognizes women and men as equals, as bearers of divinity, and who promote concrete actions to eradicate violence and discrimination.

In Mexico, violence against women has increased and the murder of women has reached dramatic proportions, against this background, the Church has
neither spoken out nor demanded justice.  We want a church committed to social justice and human rights in all areas, a loving church, inclusive and respectful of differences and individual freedoms.

In Mexico, there is a prevailing discrimination against the young, women and sexual diversity. We want the Church to respect their moral standing
and recognize that the exercise of their sexuality is an expression of their link with the sacred.

We want a church that acknowledges its responsibility for the covering up of sexual abuse by Catholic priests: that will repair the moral damage to
victims and implement civil justice and the canonical penalty to the guilty. In Mexico there can be no silence about the case of Marcial Maciel, Nicolas Aguilar and other perpetrators concealed by the Mexican Catholic hierarchy.

We want a church that listens to its membership and is sensitive to the signs of the times, that devotes its best efforts to the common good, and
with a spiritual mission to promote mercy and love. In Mexico the hierarchy must not continue violating the laity, or abusing their symbolic power in the search for greater privileges.

Dear brother, we await your prophetic denunciation of evil and announcement
of Gospel values, peace in your heart.

Catholics for The Right to Choose

Mexico City, March 21, 2012

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