Kardinal Ravasi uppmanar präster att hotta upp sina predikningar

Kardinal Gianfranco Ravasi – ordförande i påvliga kulturrådet- och kanske Vatikanens mest sympatiske kardinal-  uppmanar präster att hotta upp sina tråkiga, gråa och  intetsägande predikningar.

”Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, claimed that homilies had become “irrelevant” to worshippers who were used to the thrill and excitement of modern technology such as the television and the internet. He said: “The advent of televised and computerised information requires us to be compelling and trenchant, to cut to the heart of the matter, resort to narratives and colour.”

The cardinal described the theological language used by priests in their sermons as “grey, dull and flavourless” and appealed to priests to use the graphic and dramatic imagery of the Bible to illustrate their sermons with colour and intrigue.

The Bible was “crowded with stories, symbols and images”, he said, which were appropriate for “the children of television and the internet” who grace church pews.”


// Irène

PS För ovanlighetens skull håller jag denna gång med om budskapet från Vatikanen.

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