Fastnar veckans bok i stiftets Bullerbyfilter ?

National Catholic Reporter publicerar ett förhandsutdrag ur veckans bok som publiceras på 8 språk i 20 länder nu på torsdag 21 febr. 

”Many cardinals and priests who officiate at the Roman Curia, most of those who meet up in conclave beneath the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo – one of the most grandiose scenes of gay culture, peopled with virile bodies, surrounded by the Ignudi, those robust and beautiful naked young men – share the same ’inclinations’. They have a ’family resemblance’. In fact, in an aside that had something of the disco-queen about it, another priest whispered to me in English: ’We are family!'”

”homosexuality is also one of the keys that explain the institutionalized cover-up of sexual crimes and misdemeanours, of which there are now tens of thousands. Why? How? Because the ’culture of secrecy’, which was necessary to maintain silence about the huge presence of homosexuality inside the Church, has made it possible to hide sexual abuse, and for predators to benefit from this system of protection within the institution – even though paedophilia is not the subject of this book.”

”Here is the pope: threatened and attacked on all sides and generally criticized, Francis is said to be ’among the wolves’.

It’s not quite true: he’s among the queens.”

// Irène

PS Apropå Sixtinska kapellet och Michelangelo

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