Vårvindar och höststorm samtidigt

Intressant intervju i Vatican  Insider med Belgiens kardinal  Godfried Danneels om kyrkliga reformer och stabila / robusta kyrkor.

Godfried Danneells  liknar kyrkan vid ett skepp som just nu rör sig framåt med friska vårvindar men också slås av iskall nordanvind med höga vågor.

“Peter’s boat” is definitely going through a unique phase, pushed along by spring breezes but also hit by chilly northerly winds and gusts of new conformism.”

Ungefär så här kanske ?

Vad styr Franciskus i hans biskopsutnämningar ?

“The Pope gives priority to the soul and to spiritual life. Pastoral care takes priority over everything else. This is why he places more emphasis on his pastoral role than on his role as teacher. And he openly manifests his predilection for the poor. I get the impression he is very independent from the Curia in terms of appointments too. He demonstrates an ability to make choices independently.”

Om jämförelsen mellan afrikanska  ”stabila kyrkor”  med ”förfallet”  i västerländska kyrkor.

“European Churches have been overrun by the effects of secularisation that have also led to rising individualism. But this very individualism could reach Africa sooner or later: that phenomenon that sees people thinking of themselves as individuals  rather than as members of a group, a community, or a mass. It is possible that the crisis we have had will spread there too, with all that this entails. Africans may also experience a situation similar to ours. Then they might call us up to see how we dealt with it. To get some useful tips.”

“I have always acknowledged that perhaps God drove us towards a sort of new “Babylonian exile”  in order to teach us to be more humble and realise that the Church can only live and grow with the strength of Christ’s Grace. So I would always advise everyone to steer clear of all forms of triumphalism and claims to self-sufficiency. Whoever thinks they are standing, should watch out they do not fall.”

Om kollegialitet och demokrati

“Synodality is not a question of balancing powers. It has a theological value. It is not about reducing the Pope’s influence or that of other bishops, to the detriment of the other. Thankfully, the Synod is starting to be a place of real discussion, where free and responsible discussions wereable t take place, respecting the Pope’s prerogatives”.


// Irène

PS  Danneells poängterar det teologiska värdet i att  kunna diskutera kyrkliga spörsmål i öppenhet och frihet.  Det jag saknade i Danneells svar är att han i så fall också borde ha betonat att inte förrän kvinnor har lika stor tolkningsrätt som män och  lika stora påverkansmöjligheter  i kyrkliga beslut som män så kan vi tala om äkta öppenhet och frihet i kyrkliga diskussioner.

Ska de troendes samförstånd / Sensus Fidelium  leva upp till det som det utger sig för att vara dvs  avgörande för kyrkans självförståelse då räcker det inte med biskoplig kollegialitet och biskopssynoder ……….. i varje fall inte så länge det inte finns kvinnliga biskopar ……..

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