Biskop Anders kolla ”The Secret History of Sex, Choice and Catholics”

Biskop Anders

kolla på nedanstående DVD innan Du far till Vatikanen för att representera Nordiska Biskopskonferensen  på familjesynoden 5-19 oktober.


// Irène

PS Min fråga till biskop Anders kvarstår

Kommer biskop Anders att understödja förslaget att samkönade katolska par ska leva i garderoben ?

Den inomkatolska organisationen Catholics for choice har låtit producera en DVD

”The Secret History of Sex, Choice and Catholics”

Medverkande är

Sheila Briggs is an associate professor of religion and gender studies at the University of Southern California. An expert in Roman Catholicism, feminist theology, early Christianity and theories of modern liberation movements, Briggs obtained her MA at the University of Cambridge. Her publications include The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theology, for which she was co-author; “Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis: A Roman Catholic View,” (Conscience, Winter 2008-2009); and the introduction and notes for the Book of Galatians in the New Oxford Annotated Bible, 4th edition).

Daniel A. Dombrowski is professor of philosophy and chair of the Political Science Department at Seattle University. He received his PhD in philosophy from Saint Louis University. Dombrowski’s books include Rawls and Religion: The Case for Political Liberalism; Rethinking the Ontological Argument: A Neoclassical Theistic Perspective; and A Brief, Liberal, Catholic Defense of Abortion, which he co-authored with Robert Deltete. He is also the editor of the journal ”Process Studies”.

Mary E. Hunt is co-founder and co-director of the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) in Silver Spring, Maryland. She obtained her PhD from Graduate Theological Union. Her publications include New Feminist Christianity: Many Voices, Many Views (with Diann L. Neu); A Guide for Women in Religion: Making Your Way from A to Z; and “Catholic Pride … and Prejudice: The Story behind the Hierarchy’s Obsession with Sexuality,” (Conscience, 2006.)

Daniel C. Maguire is a professor of Theology at Marquette University, where he specializes in religious ethics, specifically social justice, medical and ecological ethics. Maguire obtained his Doctor of Sacred Theology (STD) degree at the Gregorian University in Rome. His publications include Sacred Rights: The Case for Contraception and Abortion in World Religions; Whose Church? A Concise Guide to Progressive Catholicism; and “Hierarchy, Sex and Power: A Primer on Educating Bishops,” (Conscience, 2010).

Kate Ott is assistant professor of Christian social ethics at the theological school at Drew University and a lecturer at Yale Divinity School. Ott researches Christian social ethics, moral theology, sexuality and childhood/youth studies and holds a doctorate from Union Theological Seminary. She is co-author of the second edition of A Time to Speak: Faith Communities and Sexuality Education; author of the report on a program she leads, Sex and the Seminary: Preparing Ministers for Sexual Health and Justice; and author of “Integrating Two Cultures,” a review of Mary J. Henhold’s Catholic and Feminist, (Conscience, 2010).

Anthony Padovano is a professor of literature and philosophy at Ramapo College of New Jersey in addition to serving as an adjunct professor of theology at Fordham University and St. Elizabeth College. He obtained his STD at Gregorian University in Rome and his PhD in literature from Fordham University. Padovano’s publications include ”Life Choices: Toward a Catholic Theology of Reproductive Options,” (published by Catholics for Choice); and “Catholics, Conscience and Condoms: A Catholic Response to Alleviating the AIDS Pandemic,” (Conscience, 2001). A collection of his writings, “The Padovano Papers,” is in the archives of Notre Dame University.

Rosemary Radford Ruether is a visiting professor of feminist theology at Claremont Graduate School and has held numerous academic appointments in her long career. A pioneer in the field of feminist theology, Ruether obtained PhD in Classics and Patristics at Claremont. Her publications include Sexism and God Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology and Catholic Does Not Equal the Vatican: A Vision for Progressive Catholicism. Many of her articles for Conscience magazine were collected in a special commemorative issue.

// Irène

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