Dags att påminna om möjligheten att underteckna brevet till påve Franciskus som kommer att överlämnas till honom personligen med kopia till var och en i hans 8 mannaråd angående
Globalt upprop för decentralisering
Sammanlagt har 2797 personer i olika länder undertecknat brevet varav 6 från Sverige !
”In a talk to bishop-leaders of the Latin American Church on July 28, Francis gave us a clue to his thinking about the necessary changes that lie ahead. He said he wants to ”reform ecclesial structures…from obsolete ones to new ones” so the whole Church can pursue its ”missionary spirit” more effectively. What ”structure” could be more obsolete than the papal monarchy? “Bishops must be pastors,” he said, “close to the people, fathers and brothers, with great gentleness, patient, and merciful.” Electing our own bishops would certainly get the bishops ”closer to the people” (and vice versa!). He raised the question on the role of the ”lay faithful” asking ”do we give them the freedom to continue discerning, in a way befitting their growth as disciples, the mission which the Lord has entrusted them?…Are we constantly open to letting ourselves be challenged in our efforts to advance the good of the Church and her mission in the world?”
// Irène