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Dagsarkiv: januari 6, 2017
Politiskt ramaskri mot ”muslimsk krubba”
AMERICA The National Catholic Review ”Outcry Follows ‘Muslim Nativity Scene’ despite Historically Accurate Clothing” 76 årige fader Franco Corbo fick hundratals hotfulla telefonsamtal och politiskt ramaskri blev resultatet av Franco Corbos ovanstående krubba i sin församlingskyrka Sankt Anna och Sankt … Fortsätt läsa
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2 svar till ”Politiskt ramaskri mot ”muslimsk krubba””
Nej, Josef och Maria – som oskyddade judar, hade nog inte kommit så långt i dagens Palestina. Hade kanske inte ens överlevt.
Tror du nedanstående handlar om judiska eller palestinska kvinnor ?
”The stress of not being able to reach the hospital increases for pregnant women and their families as the months progress, and the situation is even worse at the time of birth. Oftentimes, women in labor are stopped at checkpoints and are not allowed to pass through to the hospital. These women wake up to find themselves giving birth at a checkpoint. Sometimes these women hear their babies’ cries and sometimes they do not. It is not rare for women to wake up and find that their baby has died, all because they were not allowed to pass through the checkpoint. With the lack of medical assistance, sometimes these women do not wake up at all.”
// Irène