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Dagsarkiv: juli 30, 2016
Ljus i mörkret
Vänner, Paris stift uppmanar stiftets församlingar att välkomna muslimer som vill besöka söndagsmässa i morgon 31/7 för att hedra den mördade prästen fr Jacques. Uppmaningen kommer sedan det franska rådet för muslimer (CFCM) uppmanat sina medlemmar att besöka kyrkor under … Fortsätt läsa
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Den svarta tyska Stormfågeln häckar i Sverige
Sturmvogel – Tyskt högerextremt barnläger i Sverige ”Under många år har man hållit extremt låg profil, och genom att inte väcka uppmärksamhet, inte genomföra manifestationer och aldrig ställa upp på intervjuer har man lyckats hålla sig under radarn – inte … Fortsätt läsa
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2 svar till ”Den svarta tyska Stormfågeln häckar i Sverige”
Dear Irene and Katolsk Vision !
Please do some more open-minded research instead of a copy and paste pattern that you can see all over the left-extreme Swedish newspapers now. And maybe you can tell your fellow expo friends too.
Please calm down, Sweden still stands and is a better place with the Sturmvogel than without.
It is disgusting and amusing and ridiculous at the same time how the extreme left Sweden and some CopyPaste-Newsfeeds react to a small summer camp. Somehow like sticking a stick into a wasp’s nest.
The Sturmvogel is neither a right-wing group nor a right-extreme group nor even a ’terrorist’ group like some antifa-blogs like expo would like them to be. They also never used a swastika or any similar symbols like the svenska dagbladed wants to implement into their readers to make the news more interesting and fearful. These symbols are not allowed in germany today, only in case the svenska dagbladed does not know yet.
The german ’pseudo-reporter’ Andrea Röpke needs to disparage youth groups like scouts and others to make her living on the german state. So that is why young boys and girls of the Sturmvogel have to be as evil as possible – otherwise no money will flow into her antifa-pocket and the news would be as interesting as old people doing a trip to Spain.
How do I claim to know all that ? Well I was a Sturmvogel for many years and the Sturmvogel calls himself politically independent. They are open for any political or religious direction. Never has any hatred been taught, never have we talked bad on other nations. It is simply enough just not true. We learn to dance, we learn to play music instruments and we learn to live with nature and to love her. And yes, we love Germany and yes we love other nations too – so what is wrong with that ?
And by the way, you want to make me believe that Sturmvogel-Girls on this summer camp look like the picture above and Sturmvogel-Boys look like the picture below ? Come-on you are kidding me – does your hate make you so blind ? Beleive me – no Sturmvogel-Boy looks like that ;-)… honest 🙂 – I know it.
Please keep your hate somewhere else, there is enough hate in this world already.
Friendly greetings to our Swedish neighbours from Germany.
Viele Grüße aus Deutschland an meine lieben Schweden !
Istället för att radera ovanstående kommentar väljer jag att komplettera med några tyska länkar till tyske KV läsaren Peter.
”Hitlerhälsning i Bullerbün”
// Irène