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Med anledning av 50-års jubileet
Upprop från ARCC (Association of the rights of catholics in the church ) angående kyrkans LÄROÄMBETE.
Observera särskilt ”Biskopar är Kristi ställföreträdare inte påvens.”
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, we call on all other members of the People of God to assess the situation in our church.
Many of the key insights of Vatican II have not at all, or only partially, been implemented. This has been due to resistance in some quarters, but also to a measure of ambiguity that remained unresolved in certain Council documents.
A principal source of present-day stagnation lies in misundertanding and abuse affecting the exercise of authority in our Church. Specifically, the following issues require urgent redress:
- The role of the papacy needs to be clearly re-defined in line with Christ’s intentions. . . . .
- Bishops are vicars of Christ, not vicars of the pope. . . . .
- The central synod of bishops should assume a more decisive role in planning and guiding the maintenance and growth of faith within our complex world. . . . .
- The Second Vatican Council prescribed collegiality and co-responsibility on all levels. This has not been realised. . . . .
- The abuse of choosing for leadership offices in the church only candidates of a particular mindset, should be eradicated. . . . .
- The Roman curia requires a more radical reform, in line with the instructions and vision of Vatican II. . . . .
- The congregation for the doctrine of the faith should be assisted by international commissions of experts who have been independently chosen for their professional competence.
The exercise of authority in our church should emulate the standards of openness, accountability and democracy achieved in modern society. Leadership should be seen to be honest and credible; inspired by humility and service; breathing concern for people rather than preoccupation with rules and discipline; radiating a Christ who makes us free; and listening to Christ’s Spirit who speaks and acts through each and every person.
Länk till den som vill underteckna uppropet
Nyttig länk där man kan klicka sig vidare till ytterligare nyttiga länkar om hur KATOLSKA KYRKANS LÄROÄMBETE borde fungera och vara uppbyggt utifrån Evangelietexterna och allas medansvar i enlighet med Andra Vatikankonciliet.
Vatican Insider skriver om
”Dokumentärfilm om andra Vatikankonciliet ”
// Irène
PS Om Andra Vatikankonciliet syster Madeleine Fredell OP föreläsningsserie
Så spännande dessa dagar omkring 11 oktober kommer att bli!
Hoppas Världen – och inte bara den kristna & katolska –
kommer att aktualisera starten av VCII.
Denna blogg gör det så bra, även Bengts Blogg gör det idag.
Klicka HÄR!
Många församlingar kommer att högtidlighålla denna dag med högtidlig mässa- vad är det om inte ett hoppfullt tecken!
Som katolik rodnar man av pinsamheten – påvens senaste påhitt.
Allmän avlat under Trons år på vissa villkor.
”During the Year of Faith, which will last from 11 October 2012 to 24 November 2013, Plenary Indulgence for the temporal punishment of sins, imparted by the mercy of God and applicable also to the souls of deceased faithful, may be obtained by all faithful who, truly penitent, take Sacramental Confession and the Eucharist and pray in accordance with the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff.”
Det finns 4 alternativ A-D som man kan laborera med
Alternativ A
”(A) Each time they attend at least three sermons during the Holy Missions, or at least three lessons on the Acts of the Council or the articles of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in church or any other suitable location.”
Det går också bra att välja något av alternativen B, C eller D. Se nedanstående länk!
// Irène