John L Allen NCR förutspår att B16 nuvarande 3 dagarsresa i Benin i Afrika inte – som hans tidigare Afrikaresa för 2 år sedan – kommer att domineras av påvens inställning till kondomer trots att AIDS /HIV problematiken är ett oundvikligt tema för en påve på resa i Afrika.
Anledningen är att K som i kondom dvs ” k-ordet inte kommer över påvens läppar”.
“Here’s what the pope wrote, in the document released today: “The problem of AIDs, in particular, clearly calls for a medical and pharmaceutical response. This is not enough, however: the problem goes deeper. Above all, it is an ethical problem. The change of behavior that it requires – for example, sexual abstinence, rejection of sexual promiscuity, fidelity within marriage – ultimately involves the question of integral development, which demands a global approach and a global response from the church. For if it is to be effective, the prevention of AIDS must be based on a sex education that is itself grounded in an anthropology anchored in the natural law and enlightened by the word of God and the church’s teaching.”
John Allen konstaterar att påvens lite mer nyanserade attityd till kondomer mot bakgrund av intervjun med Peter Seewald samtidigt förvirrat somliga.
“At the end of this Africa swing, perhaps the best sound-bite for Benedict’s message would be the following: On the “ABC” approach to AIDS – meaning abstinence, be faithful, and condoms – we still may not be exactly sure what all the implications are of Benedict’s various declarations on the “C,” but we can take it to the bank that he believes the heart of the matter lies in “A” and “B”.
// Irène
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