Intervju med Roy Bourgeois


National Catholic Reporter har publicerat en mycket bra intervju med Roy Bourgeois. Några korta citat:

“… no matter how hard we may try to justify discrimination, in the end, it is always wrong.”

“I feel blessed for knowing many deeply spiritual women, and feel sad that so many priests do not have women friends. They feel they have to keep women at a distance. Some have this ‘Adam and Eve’ notion that women are the temptress, the feared one, the cause of Adam’s sin.”

Bourgeois now feels the best role he can play is to encourage his fellow priests to break their silence on the women issue. “Many tell me they speak in favor of women’s ordination around trusted friends, but not publicly because it would put their positions or ministries at risk. But at some point, silence becomes complicity.” 

Läs hela intervjun här:

Gert Gelotte

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1 svar på Intervju med Roy Bourgeois

  1. Irène Nordgren skriver:

    I den intressanta intervjun säger Roy Bourgeois – som bla kallar det katolska prästerskapet för “boys’ club”- att han oavsett vad som nu händer inte ångrar någonting

    “And on the Last Day, I don’t think I’ll be judged by how well I followed canon law.”

    Av Troskongregationens hot att döma skulle man dock lätt kunna tro att Gud Fader på den yttersta dagen sitter med den katolska canon i knät, skakar på huvudet och förgrymmad pekar på § 1024.

    // Irène

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