Dublins ärkebiskop Diarmuid Martin har uttalat sig skarpt mot homofobi och liknat det vid att förolämpa Gud:
“God never created anybody that he doesn’t love,” he said, adding that “anybody who doesn’t show love towards gay and lesbian people is insulting God. They are not just homophobic if they do that – they are actually Godophobic because God loves every one of those people.”
Diarmuid Martins uttalande är ett bra första steg. Nästa steg borde vara den oundvikliga slutsatsen. Om Gud älskat allt han skapat måste kyrkan sluta upp med att fördöma homosexuell kärlek. Vi, homo- som heterosexuella, skapas ju inte utan vår förmåga och vårt behov av att älska och bli älskade, beröra och bli berörda.
Gert Gelotte
Franciskus missade tillfället att utnämna Martin till kardinal……
”Pope Francis missed a remarkable opportunity to establish his popularity with the Irish faithful by refusing a red hat to Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. Francis announced 19 new cardinals, but Martin was not among them.”
”Beloved by the laity, Martin was and still is a controversial figure among his peers because of his outspokenness and his determination to leave no stone unturned.”
”For Francis it would have continued his sweeping new broom’s clean-up and shown that the broom extended into dark corners in Ireland too.”
// Irène
PS Vi människor har ofta anledning att ångra saker vi gjort men också saker vi INTE gjort………
”It is an omission he may come to regret.”