Jamie Manson skriver i National Catholic Reporter om varför påven kommer att misslyckas med sin önskan att prästämbetet inte skall handla om makt utan om tjänst:
”Much as Francis would like to erase the dynamic of domination from the priesthood, his teaching will remain unrealistic if he continues to reinforce an unjust power structure in which only celibate males are permitted to consecrate the Eucharist.”
Gert Gelotte
Tack Gert,
En strålande artikel av Jamie Manson! Som går i dialog med påvens lite trevande argument, och vill inbjuda till försoning, läser jag det som.
Manson skriver bl a: ”I can personally attest to knowing at least 100 Catholic young adults who have entered these programs of study and ministerial formation not for power or privilege, but out of a deep enthusiasm for the church and earnest longing to answer God’s call to be a leader in the church.
They do not wish to dominate anyone, but rather to be present to God’s people in their times of great joy and suffering, to offer them and their children the church’s sacraments, and to consecrate their lives to the church’s many works of justice.” Etc, läs mer i krönikan.
Måtte många fler biskopar vakna upp och se att de offentigt måste stödja dessa ungdomars vilja till en tjänst, som blir en makt att förnya Kyrkan.