Kvinnans roll i katolska kyrkan

Ana Cristina Villa Betancourt ordförande för Kvinnosektionen

Kvinnosektionen inom Påvliga rådet för Lekfolket anordnar fn  konferens i Vatikanen. Temat är

“God entrusts the human being to the Woman” drawn from Blessed Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter Mulieris dignitatem (MD)


// Irène

PS Johannes Paulus II inleder  sitt apostoliska brev  ”MULIERIS DIGNITATEM”   15 augusti 1988   med ett citat från Andra Vatikankonciliet slutdokument.

1. THE DIGNITY AND THE VOCATION OF WOMEN – a subject of constant human and Christian reflection – have gained exceptional prominence in recent years. This can be seen, for example, in the statements of the Church’s Magisterium present in various documents of the Second Vatican Council, which declares in its Closing Message: ”The hour is coming, in fact has come, when the vocation of women is being acknowledged in its fullness, the hour in which women acquire in the world an influence, an effect and a power never hitherto achieved. That is why, at his moment when the human race is undergoing so deep a transformation, women imbued with a spirit of the Gospel can do so much to aid humanity in not falling”

Tjusigare formuleringar om kvinnan får man leta efter i hela världslitteraturen ! Läs brevet här !


6 år senare 22 maj 1994 skriver samme påve sitt apostoliska brev ”ORDINATIO  SACERDOTALIS ” med underrubrik


”1. Priestly ordination, which hands on the office entrusted by Christ to his Apostles of teaching, sanctifying and governing the faithful, has in the Catholic Church from the beginning always been reserved to men alone. This tradition has also been faithfully maintained by the Oriental Churches.”

Sedan dess – under 9 år-  har SNILLEN SPEKULERAT  och skrivit spaltkilometrar hur detta ska tolkas   – vad detta betyder i praktiken ……..

Som exempel


Vem orkar läsa ?  Fotnötter och hänvisningar i det oändliga …………alltmedan det runt om i den katolska kyrkan HÄR  och NU  går omkring  katolska kvinnor som inget högre vill än att få sin prästkallelse prövad på samma villkor som katolska män……

Från katolska kvinnokonferensen till EU minister  Birgitta Ohlsson fn i Rom som intervjuas av Vatikanradion

”Onsdagen den 9 oktober till och med fredagen den 11 oktober besöker EU-minister Birgitta Ohlsson Rom och Aten inför de två ländernas kommande EU-ordförandeskap. EU-minister Birgitta Ohlsson höll på onsdagen ett föredrag på American University i Rom om “Feminism, Fundamental Rights, and the Future of the EU”.



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9 svar på Kvinnans roll i katolska kyrkan

  1. Samuel Johansson skriver:

    Irène, reformvänner.

    Varför inte bulta på påvehjärtats dörr?

    Case in point.

    Huffington Post rapporterar om vad som kan hända om man dristar sig att inleda samtal med påven.

    Pope Francis Sent Letter To Gay Catholics, Offered ’Benedictory Greeting:’ Report

    Did a letter from gay Catholics influence the pope’s comparably progressive stance on homosexuality?

    Italian-language newspaper La Repubblica reports that in June, Pope Francis received a letter from a group of gay and lesbian Catholics using the name Kairos of Florence. The letter’s authors had written to the pontiff in hopes of starting a dialogue, noting that the absence of open lines of communication ”always feeds homophobia,” according to a translation by The Huffington Post.

    While in the past, the group’s letters to various Catholic officials had been received with silence, the group was shocked when Francis and the Vatican Secretary of State responded.
    Kairos member Innocenzo Pontillo told the paper Francis said “he appreciated very much what we had written to him” and ”also assured us of his benedictory greeting.”

    Varför inte ett hjärtligt och uppriktigt brev från Ultima Thule om kvinnan o mannens jämställdhet i Kristus?


  2. Irene Nordgren skriver:

    Samuel Skriv du så skriver vi som vill under //irene

  3. Samuel Johansson skriver:

    På Irènes uppmaning ett förslag till brev från Norden till Rom. Ett första utkast. Kritik please!

    Dear brother Francis.

    Re: Our equality in Christ.

    You have opened the gates of Rome in order to listen to humanity and thereby started an intense global conversation on a glowing world wide web, an interaction filled with the joys and pains of rebirthing a universal Christian spirituality of divine and human love speaking the language of the 21st century. It’s a language where equality is a given, an integrated part.

    You have St Peters keys in your hands; open the gates of history for female equality in the Church.

    We want to manifest Christ in our lives in the glocal community and we think that that manifestation can happen only in a society of friends; equal friends of Jesus as he said himself: ”I’ve called you friends, because I’ve made known to you everything that I’ve heard from my Father.” Now we all have access to that deposit of faith given to us by the apostles.

    One of our spiritual and carnal mothers, St Birgitta of Sweden, was a truly emancipated woman born into the highest echelons of our newborn country. We consider ourselves her equally emancipated heirs and heiresses made holy by the blood of Christ and therefore given access to the throne of God, equal access, just like our foremother and her male contemporaries.

    But despite her being recognized by the Church as patron saint of Europe, the women – long ago politically emancipated in the western world – are not recognized as being equal to men in our beloved Church. Our relationships are still deeply asymmetrical to the detriment of the entire Church, already struggling with the moral corruption coming from illegitimate patriarchal power.

    This ineaquality is a sin as we can conclude from holy writ in the well-known words of the apostle: ”There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” We have abolished slavery, but not inequality. Now is the time. Open the gates of history.

    So we plead, help make us all a true society of Jesus friends. Equal friends. There is no other kind.

    You surely know Benedictine sister Joan Chittister. We consider her a modern mother of all reform oriented catholics. We’d hope to see her by your side. Invite her and other female followers of Christ to listen and engage with them. On an equal footing.


  4. Irène Nordgren skriver:


    Bra skrivet. Du är snabb och duktig i engelska.

    Jag skriver under men föreslår att du stryker sista stycket med Joan Chittister. För halsbrytande i första omgången…..

    Joan Chittister (min favvosyster) är ett rött skynke för Vatikanen och med tanke på att Müller håller på att förfölja LCWR så kanske det är OSTRATEGISKT att föreslå USA mest verbala ordenssyster som ”partner” åt påven i första omgången……

    Om ingen mer vill skriva under så skicka det ändå så får vi se vad som händer…….
    Det kan ju vara lite spännande att se om du får svar / respons ………

    // Irène

  5. Gert Gelotte skriver:


    du skriver som en präst 🙂 Ditt brev är vackert formulerat men tyvärr vidöppet för det vanligaste motargumentet till kvinnliga präster.
    ”I andligt hänseende har kvinnor samma inflytande i kyrkan som män. Att heliga Birgitta inte var prästvigd bevisar detta.”
    Om du skickar ditt brev till Rom är jag övertygad om att du får ett svar på detta tema.


  6. Elisabet Albertsson skriver:


    jag skriver under, utan förbehåll, och hoppas fler följer efter.

    Elisabet Albertsson

  7. Agneta sofiadotter skriver:

    Jag skriver under // Agneta

  8. Samuel Johansson skriver:

    Ang brevet till påven: jag har ändrat i mitten och slutet.

    På Irènes inrådan tar jag bort sista stycket med Joan Chittister och i mitten lägger jag till denna mening:
    Revelation reveals no spiritual significance in the male gender; it is all in Jesus name.

    Dear brother Francis.

    Re: equality in Christ.

    You have opened the gates of Rome in order to listen to humanity and thereby started an intense global conversation on a glowing world wide web, an interaction filled with the joys and pains of rebirthing a universal Christian spirituality of divine and human love speaking the language of the 21st century. It’s a language where equality is a given, an integrated part.

    You have St Peters keys in your hands; open the gates of history for female equality in the Church.

    We want to manifest Christ in our lives in the glocal community and we think that that manifestation can happen only in a society of friends; equal friends of Jesus as he said himself: ”I’ve called you friends, because I’ve made known to you everything that I’ve heard from my Father.” Now we all have access to that deposit of faith given to us by the apostles.

    Revelation reveals no saving significance in the male gender; it is all in Jesus name.

    One of our spiritual and carnal mothers, St Birgitta of Sweden, was a truly emancipated woman born into the highest echelons of our newborn country. We consider ourselves her equally emancipated heirs and heiresses made holy by the blood of Christ and therefore given access to the throne of God, equal access, just like our foremother and her male contemporaries.

    But despite her being recognized by the Church as patron saint of Europe, the women – long ago politically emancipated in the western world – are not recognized as being equal to men in our beloved Church. Our relationships are still deeply asymmetrical to the detriment of the entire Church, already struggling with the moral corruption coming from illegitimate patriarchal power.

    This inequality is a sin as we can conclude from holy writ in the well-known words of the apostle: ”There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” We have abolished slavery, but not inequality. Now is the time. Open the gates of history.

    So we plead, help make us all a true society of Jesus friends. Equal friends. There is no other kind.


  9. Irène Nordgren skriver:

    Kör Samuel

    jag sätter mig i baksätet…….

    // Irène

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